Please read the following conditions carefully. Destination NSW’s assessment panel will allocate funding for the Event Development stream according to the terms in this document.
The Regional Event Fund identifies and supports events in Regional NSW that have the potential to act as cornerstone, or ‘Flagship’, tourism events for their area by attracting overnight visitation to their region and delivering long-term benefits to the host destination.
Since 1996, the Regional Events Fund has provided almost $13 million in funding to more than 440 separate events throughout Regional NSW over 24 annual rounds.
The Regional Event Fund comprises three funding streams providing a development pipeline for events from inception, through emergence, to their establishment as tourism events:
- Incubator Event Fund, for the establishment of new events
- Flagship Event Fund, for the marketing of emerging events to increase their profile and encourage visitation
- Event Development Fund, for the strategic development of proven events as drivers of tourism.
Each of the three streams within the Regional Event Fund has different eligibility, selection criteria and evaluation processes. Applications for the three streams are managed separately.
This Terms & Conditions document refers only to the conditions of participation in the Event Development stream. Terms and Conditions for the Incubator Event stream and Flagship Event stream are available separately.
General eligibility
Only events held in the seven Destination Networks are eligible to apply for funding through the Flagship Event Fund. See a map showing the boundaries of the Destination Networks by Local Government Area below:

Events held in Local Government Areas not in a Destination Network are not eligible to apply for funding through the three streams of the Regional Event Fund.
Events held in areas on the border between NSW and another state should demonstrate as part of their application that at least 80% of the event’s activity is physically based in NSW or that at least 50% of its economic benefit flows to NSW.
The following event types are not eligible to apply for funding from the three streams of the Regional Event Fund:
- Regular (eg: weekly, monthly or held multiple times a year) community events such as markets, bazaars, sports meets (home/away games, local tournaments), club gatherings (RSL, Rotary, Chambers of Commerce etc.), classes and workshops
- One-off events that are not planned to continue after a single year, such as anniversary celebrations, concerts, exhibitions and theatre seasons. This includes annual events whose location changes each year, or events that are not guaranteed to remain in a specific destination for the long-term
- Events that have a religious ceremony or celebration as the principal focus such as Easter or Christmas celebrations or the similar festivals of other religions. Events held over religious holiday weekends will be considered if the religious festival is not the focus of the event (e.g.: food or music festivals)
- Community public holiday celebrations such as Anzac Day, Australia Day, King’s Birthday if the holiday is the primary focus. Events held on public holidays will be considered if the holiday is not the focus (eg: food or music festival)
- Event series such as sporting events held in multiple locations across the year
- Extension activities or satellite events of already existing events. Only the parent event will be considered
- Touring events such as concert tours, circuses and fun fairs
- Promotional events where the marketing of a product is the principal objective
- Events whose overnight visitor impact is not immediate i.e.: that promote visitation to a destination at a later date
- Business events such as trade shows, exhibitions, conferences and industry meetings. Consumer events that include a business event as an extension event may be considered if the consumer event is the primary purpose of the event.
- Events owned and/or operated by an agency or entity of the Federal Government, or a State or Territory Government including New South Wales.
Destination Networks are unable to apply for funding from this program.
Flagship Event Stream
The Flagship Event stream identifies and assists the promotion of events that contribute to the unique character of the tourism regions of NSW and can demonstrate that they attract overnight visitation. The stream is open to events held in regional NSW that have been running for more than two years and offers grants specifically to support marketing activities aimed at increasing visibility and attracting visitation to the event from outside its local area.
The Flagship Event Fund offers two grants:
- Annual grants of $20,000 (excl. GST); or
Triennial grants of $30,000 (excl. GST) guaranteed for three years.
Grant monies must be spent on marketing initiatives that encourage overnight visitation from outside the region in which the event is occurring.
Use of funds
The event marketing activities that will be supported by Destination NSW’s Flagship Event stream must:
- Be directed at specific markets outside the immediate Local Government Area of the event; and
- Aim to increase tourism business by influencing visitors’ intention to travel to, and stay overnight in, the region and/or to extend their length of stay.
Funding will only be made available to enhance marketing and promotion to assist existing events build visitation from outside the event’s local area. Funding is not intended to replace previous or other event funding.
Flagship Event stream grants must be expended on marketing and promotional costs, including but not limited to:
- Advertising or promotional costs
- Brand design
- PR activities
- Website development
- Social or digital marketing
- Cooperative marketing activities
- Photography or videography
- Visitor research.
All visual communication materials (advertising, fliers, posters, image gallery etc.) must be of an appropriately high, professional standard. If required, grant monies should be used to achieve this standard.
Flagship Event Fund monies must not be used for:
- Event infrastructure costs
- Event staff costs and salaries
- Event staff travel or other travel expenses
- General and other administration costs
- For performer / artist fees or travel expenses
- Local Council fees and other service costs
- As prize money, gifts or contributions to charitable groups. (Where some event proceeds go to charity, evidence will be required to show adequate funds are retained for the ongoing operation of the event).
Fund eligibility
The 2023-24 Flagship Event Fund is only available to events that start between July 2023 and 30 June 2024.
To be eligible to receive funding through the Flagship Event stream:
- The event must have been held at least twice prior to receiving a grant. For the avoidance of doubt, Flagship Event stream funding will only be offered to events being held for the third or more time in the year of funding
- The event must be held in one of the seven regional NSW Destination Networks geographical areas
- The event must have a minimum of 80% of its activities physically based in NSW
- The event must not receive funding from another Destination NSW regional event funding program in the same year
- The applicant must be the event owner, own the rights to the event and have relevant approvals for the event
- The event owner must be a sole trader, company, incorporated association, or trust entity
- The event owner must be financially solvent
- The event owner must hold public liability insurance
- The event owner must not have debts to the NSW Government
- The event owner must hold an Australian Business Number
- The event owner agrees to enter into a contract for funding with Destination NSW.
Potential applicants should also note that:
- A single event may receive an Annual grant a maximum of three times
- A single event may receive a Triennial grant only once
- An event will only be considered for a Triennial grant once it has received three Annual grants. Events that have already received three Annual grants may only apply for a Triennial grant
- Events that have previously received Triennial funding under the
- Flagship Event stream are not eligible to receive any further funding from the Flagship Event stream.
Fund criteria
To be considered for funding from the Flagship Event stream, an event must demonstrate that they sufficiently meet the following fund criteria:
Destination NSW is looking for events that have been successfully running for three or more years that contribute to the unique character of the Tourism Regions of NSW and can demonstrate that they effectively attract overnight visitors. Applications will be assessed using the following criteria:
Economic impact (40%)
Destination NSW targets its investment in events that will deliver new expenditure into a region through visitation. Applicants need to demonstrate:
a. The ability to attract overnight visitation, from outside the event’s Local Government Area and demonstrate that sufficient accommodation capacity exists. (40%)
Strategic marketing alignment and community impact (30%)
This refers to effective promotion of your event and its region to visitors outside of the region while also engaging the local community. Applicants need to:
a. Present a well-developed marketing plan aimed at delivering incremental audience growth with defined target audiences and measurable objectives. (15%)
b. Demonstrate alignment with the local tourism industry; including consideration of local and/or regional tourism strategies and display local council support. (15%)
Event planning and due diligence (30%)
Event organisers need to demonstrate sound event management practices and that they’ve undertaken sufficient due diligence in their event planning. Applicants need to demonstrate:
a. A clear event management plan detailing the event overview, operational processes, risk management, financial management incl. itemised budget, team structure, rationale for timing of the event, relevant insurance cover, method for collecting and measuring attendee and visitation number, and evaluation plan. A mandatory requirement of this component of the criteria is a clear strategy and plan for collecting data and assessing ex-region visitation numbers and experience. (30%)
To be awarded a Triennial grant, an application must score highly against the Key Criteria. The assessment panel must be convinced that the event attracts strong overnight visitation measured through robust methodologies, has a clear capacity to continue to grow overnight visitation, and has marketing strategies to deliver this growth.
Application process
Grants in the 2023-24 Flagship Event stream will be allocated in a single round for events taking place between July 2023 and 30 June 2024.
An application to the Flagship Event stream is a single-stage process consisting of a long-form, on-line application form responding to a series of questions that address the fund criteria (Application Form). Strong applications require robust data and supporting information.
The Application Form includes multiple opportunities to upload supplementary information in support of the application and applicants are encouraged to do so.
All applications for grants from the 2023-24 Flagship Event stream must be submitted through the Destination NSW on-line application platform and be received by Destination NSW no later than the advertised closing date.
Application Forms received after this date will not be accepted.
Application Forms sent via email, post or fax will not be accepted.
Applications for the 2022-24 Flagship Event stream open on Thursday 2 March 2023 and must be received by Destination NSW no later than midnight (Sydney time) on Wednesday 29 March 2023. Applications received after this date and time will not be accepted.
Applicants are encouraged to start their applications early during the application period to ensure they are completed in good time before the closing date. Destination NSW is not responsible for delays to the submission of applications caused by technology, connection or other issues outside of its control.
Receipt of Application Forms will be acknowledged by email following submission. If an acknowledgment email is not received following submission, please contact the Regional Event Fund Coordinator on 0419 903 701 or email ref.admin@dnsw.com.au
All Application Forms will be assessed by a panel made up of representatives from Destination NSW. Based on the assessments, the panel will recommend the events to receive funding in 2023-24.
If an application is unsuccessful the applicant will be informed in writing
Successful applications will be announced by the Minister for Tourism. Successful applicants will receive a letter of notification following this announcement.
The panel
Applications for Flagship Event Fund grants are assessed by a panel convened by Destination NSW (the Panel) and consisting of representatives with experience in events and regional tourism.
The Panel will make its recommendations for which events should receive Flagship Event stream grants according to the following principles of the fund:
- The Flagship Event stream is a co-operative arrangement between Destination NSW and the regional event
- The Flagship Event stream is a Destination NSW financial sponsorship program that supports the promotion of selected regional events to achieve tourism outcomes of benefit to regional NSW
- The Flagship Event stream seeks to assist the promotion of those events that expressly contribute to the unique identity of the tourism regions of the State, and that demonstrate the potential to act as ‘flagships’ for those regions
- It is the aim of Destination NSW, but not a certainty, that at least one event will be supported in each of the seven Destination Network regions, subject to the quality of the applications received
- Receipt of a Flagship Event stream grant in a previous year is no indication that a current application will be successful. The Panel will make its recommendations for future funding based on the merits of the event’s application for that year.
- As part of the assessment process, Destination NSW may seek additional insights on the tourism potential of events that have applied for funding from the Destination Networks to help inform its decision-making.
Destination NSW reserves the right not to award funding in any region if the applications are of insufficient merit in the opinion of the Panel.
Applicants will have the opportunity to contact Destination NSW to receive feedback on their applications following assessment but should note that:
- Information provided by Destination NSW is a guide only and is prepared in good faith. Destination NSW has sought to ensure that the information is true and correct at the time of presentation
- Feedback is supplied based on the information provided to Destination NSW. Destination NSW does not make any representation or warranty about the accuracy, suitability, reliability, currency or completeness of any feedback provided
- Destination NSW cannot promise any results or benefits from an applicant’s participation in feedback. All applicants are responsible for determining any further investigations, information and consideration that might be required
- It is the applicant and event management’s responsibility to decide, based on their full knowledge and understanding of their business situation, how relevant the information is. Destination NSW recommends seeking independent professional advice (legal, financial or otherwise)
Event Agreement
The provision of Flagship Event Fund grants by Destination NSW to successful applicants is subject to the event owner entering into and abiding by the terms of an event agreement signed by the event owner and Destination NSW (the Event Agreement).
The Event Agreement details a range of marketing and other deliverables required by Destination NSW. These include, but are not limited to, a requirement to:
- Provide to Destination NSW an updated marketing plan for the expenditure of the Flagship Event stream grant, in the context of the event’s broader marketing expenditure, before the event date. The plan must be submitted through the Destination NSW online platform and be approved by Destination NSW in order for the Flagship Event stream monies to be released
- Include the NSW Government logo, as supplied by Destination NSW, on all marketing collateral and advertising associated with the event receiving the Flagship Event stream grant
- Give Destination NSW the right to approve all marketing and advertising material that includes its logo at the artwork stage prior to printing or publication. Destination NSW requires a minimum of 4 days to review the material for approval
- Give Destination NSW the right to negotiate the placement, priority & prominence of its logo on event collateral
- Create, update and maintain an event listing on www.visitnsw.com
- Offer Destination NSW signage opportunities at the event
- Offer Destination NSW the opportunity to integrate messaging into the event’s social media and digital channels
- Include destination content on the event website
- Provide progress reports on the delivery of the event, including its marketing activities, to Destination NSW upon request at regular intervals and in accordance with the Event Agreement
- Submit a detailed post-event report and financial statement outlining the expenditure of the Flagship Event stream grant monies and an assessment of the success of the marketing initiatives. The report must be submitted using the Destination NSW online platform within two (2) months of the completion of the event. Failure to submit this evaluation report and financial statement may jeopardise the applicant’s future eligibility for Destination NSW funding.
If the event owner does not enter into the Event Agreement or breaches its obligations under the Event Agreement, Destination NSW reserves the right to withhold funding or to claim a refund of any funds already provided in respect of the event.
For more information on the Destination NSW Event Agreement please contact ref.admin@dnsw.com.au.
Other conditions
The following other conditions apply:
- Destination NSW may provide additional in-kind marketing support to events funded by the Flagship Event stream as part of its ongoing marketing activities. Destination NSW will, from time to time, request event information and high resolution imagery and video content to assist with the marketing of Flagship events. A photo brief can be requested from Destination NSW
- Destination NSW reserves the right, as a condition of funding, to make use of event data for the purposes of market research and evaluation to enable the long-term development of events in New South Wales
Successful applicants should retain all records relating to the event, including expenditure, and make them available for audit purposes if required - All events financially supported by Destination NSW through the Flagship Event stream are encouraged to consolidate their financial position through corporate and other support whilst they are part of the Flagship Event stream
- An event eligible to apply to the Flagship Event stream is not eligible to apply to the Incubator Event stream or Event Development stream in the same year
- An event awarded a grant through the 2020 – 2022 Regional Event Fund that has been deferred to 2023 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic or extreme weather are not eligible to apply for additional funding for the same event from the Regional Event Fund in 2023/24.
Where an event that was funded under the 2020 - 2022 Regional Event Fund has been postponed to 2023 and organisers intend to present a second event at the usual event timing later in the year, the second event is eligible for funding from the 2023/34 Regional Event Fund.
By lodging an application, you provide consent for Destination NSW to share your application, information provided by you and your contact details with the Destination Network you are located in. Please consult our Privacy Policy on the management of Privacy.
Destination NSW Discretion
Potential applicants should note that:
- No funding application is guaranteed to result in funding from Destination NSW
- No applicant is guaranteed funding to the full amount requested in their application
- Destination NSW reserves the right to vary the amount of funding at any time
- Destination NSW reserves the right to vary the terms of Flagship Event stream funding at any time in particular the awarding of funding
- The number and location of events that will be funded by Destination NSW will be determined by Destination NSW at its discretion
- Funding through the 2023-24 Flagship Event stream is available to events taking place between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024 although
- Destination NSW reserves the right to vary this as it requires.
- Following the announcement of events to be funded in the 2022 Flagship Event stream, no further Flagship Event stream grants will be available until a future Regional Event Fund program opens.
Important contacts
Destination NSW Fund Administration
Co-ordinator, Regional Event Fund
GPO Box 7050
Sydney NSW 2001
M: 0419 903 701
E: ref.admin@dnsw.com.au
Other Conditions
The following other conditions apply:
- Destination NSW may provide additional in-kind marketing support to events funded by the Flagship Event stream as part of its ongoing marketing activities. Destination NSW will, from time to time, request event information and high resolution imagery and video content to assist with the marketing of Flagship events. A photo brief can be requested from Destination NSW
- Destination NSW reserves the right, as a condition of funding, to make use of event data for the purposes of market research and evaluation to enable the long-term development of events in New South Wales
- Successful applicants should retain all records relating to the event, including expenditure, and make them available for audit purposes if required
- All events financially supported by Destination NSW through the Flagship Event stream are encouraged to consolidate their financial position through corporate and other support whilst they are part of the Flagship Event stream
- An event eligible to apply to the Flagship Event stream is not eligible to apply to the Incubator Event stream or Event Development stream in the same year
- An event awarded a grant through the 2020 – 2022 Regional Event Fund that has been deferred to 2023 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic or extreme weather are not eligible to apply for additional funding for the same event from the Regional Event Fund in 2023/24. Where an event that was funded under the 2020 - 2022 Regional Event Fund has been postponed to 2023 and organisers intend to present a second event at the usual event timing later in the year, the second event is eligible for funding from the 2023/34 Regional Event Fund.
- By lodging an application, you provide consent for Destination NSW to share your application, information provided by you and your contact details with the Destination Network you are located in. Please consult our Privacy Policy on the management of Privacy.
Destination NSW Discretion
Potential applicants should note that:
- No funding application is guaranteed to result in funding from Destination NSW
- No applicant is guaranteed funding to the full amount requested in their application
- Destination NSW reserves the right to vary the amount of funding at any time
- Destination NSW reserves the right to vary the terms of Flagship Event stream funding at any time in particular the awarding of funding
- The number and location of events that will be funded by Destination NSW will be determined by Destination NSW at its discretion
- Funding through the 2023-24 Flagship Event stream is available to events taking place between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024 although Destination NSW reserves the right to vary this as it requires. Following the announcement of events to be funded in the 2022 Flagship Event stream, no further Flagship Event stream grants will be available until a future Regional Event Fund program opens.