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Regional NSW statistics

Key statistics for regional NSW, the largest and most diverse regional economy in Australia. Includes tourism statistics for our 12 regional tourism regions.


In the year ending March 2024, there were 27.1 million domestic overnight visitors to regional NSW (up 3.3 per cent on the year ending March 2023), who stayed 86.0 million nights (up 0.8 per cent) and spent $19.2 billion (up 0.3 per cent).

The data source is National Visitor Survey (NVS) and International Visitor Survey (IVS) conducted by Tourism Research Australia (TRA), a branch within Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade). TRA is Australia's leading provider of quality tourism intelligence across both international and domestic markets.

The geographic definition of Regional NSW is everywhere in NSW except for Sydney Tourism Region.

Latest release

  • Travel to regional NSW snapshot: March 2024

Archive: snapshots

  • Travel to regional NSW snapshot: December 2023
  • Travel to regional NSW snapshot: September 2023
  • Travel to regional NSW snapshot: June 2023

Latest release: time series

  • Travel to regional NSW time series: March 2024

Archive: times series

  • Travel to regional NSW time series: December 2023
  • Travel to Regional NSW time series: September 2023
  • Travel to regional NSW time series: June 2023

Regional Tourism Satellite Account

The Regional Tourism Satellite Accounts provide information on the economic importance of tourism for each of NSW’s tourism regions. Reports include infographics and data tables for Sydney and for each tourism region in Australia.

Local Government Area (LGA) profiles

Tourism Research Australia prepares profiles for Local Government Areas (LGAs) with adequate International Visitor Survey and/or National Visitor Survey sample to produce robust results. Data is averaged over four years, which minimises the impact of variability in estimates from year to year. It also provides more robust volume estimates. Profiles are provided for international travel, domestic overnight travel, and/or domestic day travel.

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