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NSW statistics

Discover the latest statistics for NSW including domestic and international visitation, along with reports on the economic contribution of tourism to the state.

Travel to NSW

The NSW visitor economy is leading Australia's recovery from the pandemic, with new data showing NSW recorded the largest absolute increase nationally for international visitors, nights and expenditure in the year ending March 2024.

According to Tourism Research Australia, international visitors took 7.2 million trips to Australia during the period, with the lion's share - over 3.7 million - coming to NSW (up 60.7 per cent on the year ending March 2023). They stayed 95.2 million nights in NSW (up 58.4 per cent) and spent $11.8 billion (up 64.3 per cent) in the state.

NSW received a total of 40.9 million domestic and international overnight visitors (up 6.8 per cent on the year ending March 2023), who stayed 213.0 million nights (up 22.0 per cent) and spent $42.7 billion (up 15.4 per cent).

The data source is National Visitor Survey (NVS) and International Visitor Survey (IVS) conducted by Tourism Research Australia (TRA), a branch within Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade). TRA is Australia's leading provider of quality tourism intelligence across both international and domestic markets.

Travel to NSW: key statistics

Latest release

  • Travel to NSW key statistics: March 2024


  • Travel to NSW key statistics: December 2023
  • Travel to NSW key statistics: September 2023
  • Travel to NSW key statistics: June 2023

Travel to NSW: time series

Latest release

  • Travel to NSW time series: March 2024


  • Travel to NSW time series: December 2023
  • Travel to NSW time series: September 2023
  • Travel to NSW time series: June 2023

State Tourism Satellite Account

State Tourism Satellite Account (STSA) data can help in understanding:

  • The value of tourism goods and services consumed by visitors in a state or territory.
  • Tourism’s contribution to Gross State Product (GSP), exports and jobs.

Tourism forecasts

Tourism forecasts for Australia can help in understanding:

  • International forecasts at the national level and for many markets and purposes of travel.
  • Domestic forecasts at the national level and for each state and territory.

Tourism region boundaries in NSW

Tourism Research Australia provides a tourism region map for NSW, based on the 2021 edition of the Australian Statistical Geography Standard.

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