The value of business events to NSW

The latest Tourism Research Australia data for the year ending March 2024 shows domestic overnight conference visitors to NSW spent on average $530 per night, which is 133.8 per cent higher than domestic leisure visitors spend per night.

In the year ending September 2023 there were 401,000 total domestic (daytrip and overnight) conference visitors to Sydney. The domestic overnight visitors stayed 558,400 nights with a 2.4-night average length of stay. There were 64,600 international conference visitors, who stayed 336,500 nights with a 5.2-night average length of stay.

In the year ending September 2023 there were 229,300 total domestic (daytrip and overnight) conference visitors to regional NSW. The domestic overnight visitors stayed 295,200 nights with a 2.4-night average length of stay.

Accommodation & transportation

(Four-year average, year ending September 2017/18/19/23)

Total overnight conference visitors to Sydney and regional NSW are more likely to book standard commercial accommodation, followed by high-end commercial accommodation.

To Sydney, the most common transport for domestic overnight conference visitors were Aircraft, while for daytrip visitors were self-drive land vehicle. International conference visitors were more likely to use public or chartered land transport when they travel locally.

To regional NSW, both domestic and international conference visitors were more likely to use self-drive land vehicle as their primary mode of transport.

Travel trends

(Four-year average, year ending September 2017/18/19/23)

The most participated activity for conference visitors to Sydney and regional NSW was social activities.

Domestic overnight and international conference visitors to Sydney and regional NSW were more likely to be traveling alone.

Perception of the destination and return travel plans

(Four-year average, year ending September 2017/18/19/23)

The top regions visited by domestic conference visitors to NSW were Sydney, the Hunter and North Coast. The top regions visited by international conference visitors to NSW were Sydney, South Coast, and North Coast.

The majority of international conference visitors to Sydney and Regional NSW were on their return visit to Australia.