Mr Marshall said determining the location of each Destination Network office would involve all local councils in the relevant regions being given an opportunity to express their interest in hosting the headquarters, followed by an assessment process by each Destination Network Board.

Each Destination Network headquarters will house three full-time staff, including a General Manager, which will support the work of the board and tourism projects and programs in the respective regions.

“We are entering an exciting time for tourism in rural and regional NSW, seeing the sector re-energised through a record $43 million investment aimed at attracting more visitors west of the divide,” Mr Marshall said.

“This includes the establishment of six new Destination Networks, an expanded Regional Flagship Events Program, the announcement of a new Regional Tourism Fund and the $6 million Regional Conferencing Fund.

“We are now at the point of identifying the headquarters for each Destination Network and recruiting up to three full-time staff, including a General Manager.

“The Government’s support for the State’s regional tourism industry is stronger than ever before and I encourage councils to lodge an EOI for this fantastic opportunity to be directly involved in regional tourism.”

Mr Marshall said the Destination Networks would facilitate visitor economy growth at the local level, through representing their region’s tourism industry.

“I look forward to the Destination Networks being fully operational and Destination NSW will be working closely with the Chairs and local industry to continue to drive overnight visitation to our State’s many wonderful rural and regional communities, attractions and events,” Mr Marshall said.

“Again, I hope all councils take up this opportunity to get involved.”

The EOI process is now open and will close on Friday, 17 March 2017. Further information is available on the Destination NSW website together with lodgement details.


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