‘The North Coast Destination Network successful application is set to receive $52,500 from the Regional Visitor Economy Fund (RVEF) to drive visitation to the Legendary Pacific Coast,’ Mr Barilaro said.
‘Funding received from the RVEF will contribute to a cooperative marketing campaign between the North Coast Destination Network and Wotif.com, which aims to increase visitor spend and overnight visitation along the touring route over the course of the year.
‘The Legendary Pacific Coast is one of Australia’s premier touring routes, traversing the Pacific Ocean coastline from Sydney to Brisbane. The journey takes visitors through some of the State’s most striking landscapes, dotted with friendly regional towns, attractions and adventures to be discovered.
‘The NSW Government has committed a record $21.6 million to the Regional Visitor Economy Fund (RVEF) over three years, to help boost local economies across regional NSW and contribute to the goal of doubling overnight visitor expenditure to the State by 2020.
‘Regional tourism is a vital contributor the State’s economy, with Regional NSW receiving 50.4 million international and domestic overnight and day trip visitors who contributed $13.3 billion in expenditure to the State for the year ending September 2014.
‘The NSW Government is committed to growing the State’s visitor economy, and initiatives like the RVEF support this development as they are important in encouraging economic growth in our regional communities.’
For more information on the Regional Visitor Economy Fund, visit www.destinationnsw.com.au/RVEF
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