Minister for Trade, Tourism and Major Events, Stuart Ayres said NSW remains the destination of choice for Australians, attracting more visitors, nights and expenditure than any other State.

“In the year ending March 2015, NSW welcomed more than 27 million visitors who stayed 88 million nights and contributed close to $16 billion to the State’s visitor economy, representing the highest level of domestic overnight expenditure since the year ended March 1999,” Mr Ayres said.

In the March 2015 quarter, visitors to NSW enjoyed world-class events including the Parkes Elvis Festival, Apia International Sydney, Tamworth Country Music Festival, Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, Touch Football World Cup as well as the opening of Les Misérables and Handa Opera on Sydney Harbour.

“The NSW Government’s tourism and major events agency Destination NSW continues to work alongside the NSW tourism industry, contributing to the goal of doubling overnight expenditure by 2020, and these outstanding results reflect this,” Mr Ayres added.

“The latest NVS figures reaffirm our position as the number one tourism and major events destination in Australia.”

The results show NSW is attracting more visitors and Regional NSW leads regional Australia for domestic visitors and nights, and also achieved its highest domestic overnight expenditure since the year ending March 1999.

Destination NSW Chief Executive Officer Sandra Chipchase said the results demonstrate Sydney and Regional NSW offer a great variety of experiences that appeal to Australians.

“Destination NSW remains focused on delivering excellent marketing campaigns and partnerships, and on developing the most compelling calendar of major events to cement our position as the events capital of Australia,” Ms Chipchase said.

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