Mr Stoner today announced applications were open for the second year of the program, part of a $21.6 million NSW Government commitment over three years.
“The NSW Liberal & Nationals Government is committed to boosting the regional tourism industry and we are offering $7.2 million under the RVEF over the 2014-15 financial year,” Mr Stoner said.
“The program, developed as part of the NSW Government’s Visitor Economy Industry Action Plan and based on recommendations by the Visitor Economy Taskforce, helps regional tourism providers to improve their products and services.
“It also promotes their wonderful destinations to international and domestic visitors and allows our regional visitor economy to grow and develop even further.
“Regional NSW tourism is vital to the State’s economy. In the year ended September 2013, visitor expenditure to our regions was worth more than $9.9 billion – an increase of 11 per cent compared to the previous year.
“Of the $7.2 million available, $3.7 million will be quarantined for Regional Tourism Organisations applications and $3.5 million will be available for industry, local government and Regional Tourism Organisations to contest.
“I encourage all NSW tourism operators and organisations to apply and not miss out on this great opportunity.”
Further information on the Regional Visitor Economy Fund, including Guidelines, Frequently Asked Questions and the RVEF Application Form, is available on the Destination NSW website:
Applications for round one of the 2014-15 contestable funding will close on 13 June 2014. Applications for quarantined funding will close on 10 October 2014. All applications must be submitted using the online application form.