Minister for Tourism and Major Events Adam Marshall said NSW had once again come out on top in Tourism Research Australia’s Tourism Businesses in Australia June 2012 to June 2017 Report which examines the stability and health of Australia’s tourism industry.

“NSW leads the country with 98,744, or 34 per cent, of tourism businesses in Australia with 20,928 more than Victoria and 43,778 more than Queensland,” Mr Marshall said.

“Tourism is big business and it’s pleasing to see more and more operators and tourism providers coming on board to further expand and diversify NSW’s impressive visitor experience.

“Visitation to our State means jobs and according to the report, NSW has 29 per cent more employing tourism businesses than Victoria and 78 per cent more than Queensland.

“The NSW Government is proud to see its efforts to support business with robust economic conditions is proving to be successful. NSW continues to be the number one State not only to do business but also to visit our first-class tourism attractions.”

The report also shows that in June 2017 there were 3,370 additional tourism businesses trading in NSW compared to the same time in 2016.

Since June 2017 other retail trade, for example store-based retail and food retailers, had the greatest share of tourism businesses in NSW (43 per cent), followed by cafes, restaurants and takeaway food services (24 per cent), taxi transport (10 per cent) and cultural services industries (6 per cent).

The Tourism Businesses in Australia June 2012 to June 2017 Report looks at changes in the number of businesses within the tourism industry. It includes tourism business count by employment size, industry type, location and financial performance.
The report can be found at Tourism Research Australia.

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