• 1.43 million attendees
  • 19,500 international visitors on Vivid Sydney travel packages
  • 9,700 visitors to Vivid from China
  • More than 250,000 attendees to Darling Harbour

“Vivid Sydney attracted 79 per cent more attendees in 2014, with the total number exceeding the population of Adelaide and surpassing the total number of international tourists to Fiji last year,” Mr Stoner said.

“Vivid visitors came from across our State, throughout Australia and from around the world. There were more than 19,500 international travellers on Vivid Sydney travel packages, up 74 per cent on 2013, which is fantastic for our tourism industry during what was once a quiet winter period.

“Local retailers also benefited from the bumper attendance numbers, with many operators reporting huge increases in patronage due to Vivid.”

Mr Stoner said all Vivid precincts had proven popular with festivalgoers after expanding into five new precincts this year – Martin Place, the University of Sydney, Carriageworks, The Star and onto the Harbour, with ferries and commercial vessels lit up for the first time.

“Modulations at Carriageworks sold out during the long weekend and the Martin Place light installation, Emergence, featured more than 16,000 visitor ‘selfies’,” Mr Stoner said.

The largest festival of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere was also a social media giant in 2014. The Vivid Sydney Facebook page received over 870,000 likes, reaching an average of 2.8 million people per day and more than 3.4 million on launch day.

The Sydney Opera House sails were lit by 59 Productions, drawing praise from Jan Utzon, son of Sydney Opera House architect Jorn Utzon.

Jan Utzon commented: “Wonderful. Vivid has become a mature art form. My deepest respect and admiration to the creators of this magnificent show. My father, Jorn Utzon, would have loved to see his creation used in this way.”

Mr Stoner said Vivid’s reach went well beyond those who visited Sydney through the extensive media coverage it attracts.

“Audiences across more than 190 countries and territories also had the opportunity to marvel at Vivid from afar through extensive global media coverage. I personally encourage those viewers to come and experience Vivid firsthand in 2015,” Mr Stoner said.

“While it is too early to give exact figures, I am confident Vivid Sydney will have again delivered significant economic impact for NSW in terms of visitor spend and I look forward to announcing the extent of that impact in the near future.”

Vivid Sydney 2014 Facts and Figures:

  • Over 1.43 million cumulative attendees
  • More than 250,000 attendees to Darling Harbour
  • 19,500 visitors on Vivid Sydney packages
  • 9,700 visitors on Vivid Sydney packages from China
  • Media coverage in more than 190 countries and territories
  • More than 37,000 tickets sold for Vivid LIVE
  • More than 34,000 people attended Vivid IDEAS
  • More than 15,000 tickets sold for Vivid Music
  • Average Vivid Sydney Facebook reach – 2.8 million people a day (3.49 million on Vivid Sydney launch day on May 23)
  • 234,438 Vivid Sydney Facebook fans, a 57 per cent growth year on year
  • 873,995 likes on the Vivid Sydney Facebook page
  • More than 1,600,000 visitors to vividsydney.com
  • 60,559 downloads of the Vivid Sydney app and VividSnap
  • More than 95,000 images tagged with #vividsydney.com on Instagram
  • More than 50 musical events at Sydney Opera House, Carriageworks, the Seymour Centre and the Basement
  • More than 550 speakers at more than 180 creative industry events for Vivid Ideas
  • Vivid Light Walk: 56 installations brought to life by 140 artists from 15 countries
  • A kilometre of fibre optic cabling and 100,800 low power LED lights to light Sydney Harbour Bridge
  • 52 jets shooting water up to 20 metres into the air for Vivid Aquatique on Darling Harbour

Stills, video and time-lapse are available at: vividsydney.com/media-centre

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