Accredited Visitor Information Centres (AVICs) are recognisable by their branding with the accredited logo.
Only AVICs are able to display the exclusive ‘i’ sign, which serves to guarantee quality service and reliable information. Extensive marketing and promotion of the branding ensures visitors to NSW recognise AVICs and the values they represent.
About accreditation
Accreditation is a process designed to establish and continually improve industry standards for conducting a tourism business. It aims to assist every AVIC to improve the way it operates to meet the increasing demands of domestic and international consumers and stakeholders.
How accreditation helps you
Accredited Visitor Information Centre Accreditation provides consumers and the industry with an assurance that an AVIC is committed to quality business practice and professionalism. The primary focus is to ensure that standards of service delivery meet and, where possible, exceed the visitors' expectations.
The NSW AVIC Network bands together accredited centres that show a commitment to continuous improvement and customer satisfaction, providing all consumers and travellers with an assurance of delivering quality products and services.
AVICs make a significant economic contribution to tourism in NSW, particularly in regional areas, by providing information to visitors that encourages them to stay longer, spend more money, experience more attractions and revisit a region. They also create significant social benefits, as many rely heavily on a volunteer workforce and operate as an important community facility.
AVIC Graphic Standards Guidelines
As the ‘i’ logo is a registered trademark, there are guidelines for its use. Accredited Visitor Information Centres may use the trademark at any time, for any use, as long as the use is in keeping with the guidelines.
How to become an AVIC
To receive the appropriate application forms, including the AVIC Graphic Standards Guidelines or further information, please contact:
NSW AVIC Tourism Program Manager
The Tourism Group
PO Box 5102 Daisy Hill QLD 4127
How many people interact with AVICs?
NSW AVIC Statistics* for last 12 months (FY23/24) show some great growth:
- 2,898,699 walk in visits
- 8,818,412 unique visits to AVIC websites
- 175,854 phone enquiries
- $6,566,741 monthly revenue generated through tourism product sales
*data supplied by The Tourism Group
Find out more about Accredited Visitor Information Centres in NSW.