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CSIRO analysis estimates the annual opportunity for agritourism in Australia will reach around $18.6 billion by 2030.

Agritourism is an experience that connects visitors to farm and rural life through agricultural products, people or places. It enables farmers to showcase the unique aspects of their region, provides an additional income source, and creates more reasons to visit rural and regional NSW.

Agritourism in NSW is a growing sector in the visitor economy. CSIRO analysis estimates the annual opportunity for agritourism in Australia will reach around $18.6 billion by 2030.

Expenditure for food, drinks and accommodation is expected to reach $5.6 billion by 2030, including $3.6 billion spent by international visitors and $1.9 billion spent by domestic day trip and overnight visitors. 

International visitor demand is expected to drive the majority of this growth, with visitors from China, United States, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Japan and India expected to account for more than 60 per cent of international expenditure by 2030.

Offering agritourism experiences to visitors help farmers to: 

  • Diversify their business and establish a new revenue stream
  • Share their passion, stories and farming methods
  • Sell farm produce and products. 

NSW is one of the most seasonally diverse agricultural regions in Australia, including: 

  • Cool- to temperate-climate wine regions and seasonal produce – from mushrooms and truffles in cooler regions to mangoes and macadamias in the sub-tropical regions
  • Visitor experiences along canola trails and waterways with pristine oyster farms
  • Country stays on outback stations and lush farms in hinterland regions.

Agritourism planning changes in NSW

The NSW Government is making it easier for farmers to use their land for agritourism. The changes allow farmers to use exempt and complying development processes, which are quicker, cheaper and simpler than making development applications to a local council.

Learn more here:

Developing agritourism experiences: more resources

NSW agritourism training

  • ACS Distance Education offers a course on Farm Tourism
  • Studio S2 Architects offers three free design guides for agritourism experiences (cellar doors, food tourism spaces, and farm and manufacturing tourism)

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