An initiative of the NSW Government’s tourism and major events agency Destination NSW, last year’s inaugural workshops saw 446 tourism industry representatives attend, with many sessions booked out in advance.

“The NSW FIRST Workshop Program offers tourism operators, destination marketers and conference organisers a chance to develop their knowledge of the industry and to hear from experts on growing and nurturing their business,” Mr Stoner said.

“The tourism industry is vital to the NSW economy, worth $27.9 billion (year end March 2014), directly employing 158,000 and involving more than 95,600 businesses.

“The NSW Government is committed to supporting the growth of our State’s tourism industry through initiatives such as the NSW FIRST Workshop Program, which will help to ensure NSW remains the number one destination to visit in Australia.

“I encourage tourism operators and businesses who are interested to sign up now.”

The NSW FIRST Workshop Program will be delivered and presented in 13 regional NSW locations in addition to two full-day workshops in Sydney.

The NSW FIRST Workshop Program focuses on three key workshop areas:

  • Industry Development: interactive sessions on how to maximise your business through marketing, digital, public relations, product development and distribution;
  • Regional Visitor Economy Funding (RVEF): an update on the RVEF program and information on developing a competitive application, including understanding Destination Management Plans and how to access and utilise the Plan and information for your region; and
  • Regional Conferencing Business: an introduction to business events and conferencing, tailored for regional destinations.

For more information including dates, locations and to register online, please visit

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