Minister for Tourism and Major Events and Assistant Minister for Skills Adam Marshall said the workshops were developed by the NSW Government’s tourism and major events agency, Destination NSW, in collaboration with TAFE NSW.

“This program is all about ensuring that the staff working in Visitor Information Centres across the State are delivering high-quality customer service to our rural and regional visitors,” Mr Marshall said.

“We know the people working in Visitor Information Centres are wonderful advocates for their local areas, so it’s important they’re informed and trained in the latest techniques to meet the needs of domestic and international travellers.

“In collaboration with TAFENSW, we look forward to providing more than 150 Visitor Information Centres with an informative training program, which will enhance the visitor experience and boost tourism to Australia’s number one State for tourism and events.”

Mr Marshall said this initiative was another example of the NSW Government’s commitment to growing tourism in rural and regional NSW.

“Growing tourism in rural and regional areas is a top priority for the NSW Government, we know how vital the industry is to local communities and we’ve committed record funding to help grow local visitor economies,” Mr Marshall said.

The workshops are free and open to all Visitor Information Centre staff, whether they work full-time, part-time, as a casual or as a volunteer.

To view a full workshop calendar, click here.

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