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Learn how to sell your bookable tourism products directly to customers on your website and work with third-party distributors such as online travel agents to make your products widely available online.


Consumers today expect an easy and seamless booking process. Whether you are a small or large business, providing customers with the ability to book your products online is helpful to both them and you.

Selling bookable products online

How to sell internationally-ready products

Events, webinars & courses

Case studies: Export-ready development

Case studies: Attending trade events

Trade sales kit templates

A trade sales kit contains materials designed to inspire, educate and help wholesalers and inbound tour operators to sell and book your experience. It should include information about your attraction, accommodation or tour, rate sheets and trade terms. Destination NSW has produced templates to help you create these materials.


  • Trade fact sheet: Accommodation
  • Trade fact sheet: Attractions
  • Trade fact sheet: Tours
  • Trade rate sheet: Accommodation
  • Trade rate sheet: Attractions
  • Trade rate sheet: Tours
  • Trade terms: Accommodation
  • Trade terms: Attractions
  • Trade terms: Tours
  • Trade fact

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